The countdown has begun!
I have an appointment in July with my consultant at the local hosp, I'm hoping she can arrange some sort of follicle tracking and stimming and we're lucky enough to not need any more IVF - IVF clinic is an hour away and it just adds to the stress of it all....!
Last week I went to see our family Dr (sadly it was her last day and she is now retired - gutted as we were on the same page with our opinions of just about everything).
I persuaded her to give me a prescription for duphsaton (progesterone) and another prescription for a prolactine blood test (this is a hormone that is higher when pregnant or breastfeeding and I think it stops the body from producing progesterone - needed to keep a pregnancy healthy), as I'm still nursing our youngest I wanted this test just to double check how my levels are so I know if we're in a good place to start any treatment....I will probably take this test towards the end of June.
Today I've got a positively shining OPK, yesterdays seemed positive (the lines were the same colour) but todays line (the top one) is practically leaping off of the test!

In other news, we have long weekend coming up which I'm looking forward to and hubby has managed to get Mon/Tues off too, which means lots of time to get things done in the garden before the house is swamped by weeds - sounds like an exaggeration but I'm not sure if it is lol!
Edited to add a countdown ticker for that appointment 👍

I have an appointment in July with my consultant at the local hosp, I'm hoping she can arrange some sort of follicle tracking and stimming and we're lucky enough to not need any more IVF - IVF clinic is an hour away and it just adds to the stress of it all....!
Last week I went to see our family Dr (sadly it was her last day and she is now retired - gutted as we were on the same page with our opinions of just about everything).
I persuaded her to give me a prescription for duphsaton (progesterone) and another prescription for a prolactine blood test (this is a hormone that is higher when pregnant or breastfeeding and I think it stops the body from producing progesterone - needed to keep a pregnancy healthy), as I'm still nursing our youngest I wanted this test just to double check how my levels are so I know if we're in a good place to start any treatment....I will probably take this test towards the end of June.
Today I've got a positively shining OPK, yesterdays seemed positive (the lines were the same colour) but todays line (the top one) is practically leaping off of the test!

In other news, we have long weekend coming up which I'm looking forward to and hubby has managed to get Mon/Tues off too, which means lots of time to get things done in the garden before the house is swamped by weeds - sounds like an exaggeration but I'm not sure if it is lol!
Edited to add a countdown ticker for that appointment 👍