Thursday, 28 June 2018

CD1, IVF7!

Today is CD1, which timed perfectly with a pre-arranged baseline scan, af arrived about 5 hours after the scan, perfect timing as no mess with dildo cam, yay!
Clinic phoned in the afternoon to say I start stims tomorrow, as usual 450 of menopur.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018


HRT = Hormonal Rage Tenfold!
CD21 and started my HRT patches - oh the joy, they're going to turn me into a miserable cow lol!
It's written in my notes to start them on CD23, but I checked my chart for IVF6 and I started on CD20, as that was quite a good cycle (IMO) then I thought I'd try and follow the same, although I didn't check my chart til 11 last night, so couldn't start the patches until this morning....
Picked up all my meds today, I say 'all', the chemist only ordered one box of Menopur (600), as I need 450 per day I've got to get the rest later, doh!
Anaesthetist and baseline is a week tomorrow, then will prob start the stimming the day after.
Is this going to be the cycle that completes our family?  I'm praying so hard that it is, I want to move past ttc and start enjoying life again without daily checking and injecting....

Thursday, 14 June 2018

2 week countdown....

2 weeks until predicted CD1 of IVF7.
To be honest, after lots of tears weeks back, I'm just plodding along as if nothing is happening lol!
I'm telling myself it's probably not going to work and trying to start accepting that our family is now complete.  If it works then we will be delighted, if it doesn't maybe we'll wont feel too devastated?
Time will tell, and whilst waiting gardening is a great distraction!

Friday, 1 June 2018

Pre-cycle, cycle!

Another failed DIY cycle (I did 5 days of menopur 100), af arrived yesterday afternoon.
I'm CD2 today and on CD16 I'll start progesterone as usual, then on CD20 (I think) I start HRT patches to prep for IVF7.  I think this helps the follicles to grow at an even rate....?
I'll be doing the same as last cycle, praying we have successful implantation this time of a healthy baby we can bring home next spring.
Really need to work on my PMA, it's failing big time at the mo!