Thursday, 15 November 2018


On Monday hubby phoned clinic to ask if they had thought about my email yet (I emailed at the start of November to ask about polyp and adhesion removal)....our new consultant that supports me breastfeeding through IVF has left!!!!  Clinic said they would discuss and get back to us.  Hubby phoned again Wednesday morning, they will discuss and get back to us, and NO reply yet!
If we didn't have a frozen embryo I'd tell them to shove their cycles (I feel our old consultant now has the upper hand and is going to treat us like crap), but we have a possible life waiting to be defrosted and loved....

Monday, 5 November 2018

The hysteroscopy.

I had my 'disgnostic' hysteroscopy last week.
It was very quick, one polyp and nothing else - I knew they're not used for endo/adeno diagnosis, but I had hoped as it was our consultants suggestion for the test, he's have more of a prod about and ask more questions about my symptoms....
He says we can go ahead on my next cycle with our 5 day FET!
The chance of mc is increased slightly with a polyp, given my history and mum being so ill, I'm not putting our girls through what could potentially be even more heartache!
I'm asking for polyp removal and also to remove my adhesions, cause there's something that's causing almost constant pain!
So, more waiting....

Mum and dad visited for a few days whilst mum was able, she's had all treatment stopped with the exception of steroids which are keeping the brain tumours at bay, for now.  She's taking CBD oil in the hope that a miracle might happen.
Was nice to have them here again, goodbye was difficult, I don't know if my passport will come through in time to see her again?