Old Blog Import, TTC#3
So, on Saturday morning my follies were measuring between 17 - 23.5mm, so EC is tomorrow. HCG trigger was done last night and now I'm just a bag of nerves, I guess cause there is nothing else I can do now....
Also, our DDs are ill, full of colds, DD1 has been throwing up and DD2 has had the runs, so I'm full of a chesty cold too, really worried this is going to effect EC, it's clinic policy to do a general anesthetic for EC (although I could have demanded a local, but one of my ovaries is hard to get at, so guess a general is best for the pain). I've been feeling soooooo sick too, I just feel they're going to say I'm not well enough for EC, what happens then? I'm already dreading the next cycle (cause have quite a strong feeling this isn't going to work), the injections have been fine, but I've had horrid side effects and have been so tired and emotional, argh! Not sure if I'll be doing round 2....
I take my hat off to the ladies who go through this more than once, knowing what they're letting themselves in for, what strong women they are!
Sorry to be so negative, just needed to get it all out before I explode. Feel free to give me a good slap to snap me out of it, lol!
To top it off, where I live they're very precautious, and I have to have a blumming enema tonight, it's going to act as a laxative, so the dr tomorrow doesn't have to bother about my bowels/being in the way, rargh! I used to binge on laxatives (had an eating disorder), so I'm really not liking the idea of that :( I just hope I don't poop myself during the 1.5hr drive in the morning....?!
Really hope my positivity comes back asap!