Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Fifty to Fabulous!

It's time for a change!
Nope, I'm not turning fifty anytime soon.... I'm hoping (read *going*) to drop 50 pounds of lardy, wobbly, dimply, overstretched arse and tum - esp tum, my mummy tummy is frankly humongous, and having had 3 emergency c-sections isn't helping with the lovely apron overhang. 
There's not a pair of knickers in this universe that will hide the 'smile' of my scar, and instead of shopping around for something, anything that will make me look a bit flatter, fitter (hotter in the bedroom, you know - the apron does nothing for sex, not for me anyway!) it's time to do something about it!
I've yo-yo'd all my life.... When I met hubby I was 61.5kg, poor chap didn't know just how much I'd gain - neither did I.  At my heaviest (and this is NOT when pregnant) I was a very round 112.5kg (a smidge over 17 stones and 10 pounds), this was about 7 years ago.  Hubby then got ill and I lost a very much wanted miracle pregnancy to early miscarriage, started a new job just a few weeks later after being a SAHM for 9 years, in a country where I was struggling with the language....it was a really tough year and it helped me lose weight purely as I was so stressed. 
I dropped down to 82kg, which was great as we were going through our 3rd cycle of IVF, but since then the weight has crept back on.  I gained a lot after our 4th cycle of IVF as it blessed us with our 3rd daughter (after 9+ years of trying).  I tend to gain a lot when pregnant, however this time I'm really struggling losing it.
Not wanting to do any crash dieting (I'm still breastfeeding), and praying we have no more family stress, I'm going for the long haul of LIFETIME weight loss.  So, I'm giving myself 7 months (starting tomorrow as I need to shop), which will be perfect timing as we would like to do more IVF early 2018.
Weighing in today I'm at 94.5kg (208lb), a fifty pound drop would take me to 71.8kg (158lb) and a BMI of 22.66.
Here we go (photos to follow soon).

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