Friday, 2 March 2018

IVF#6, CD2 - baseline scan (with endo)!

You know you're doing IVF when you've got a date with dildocam whilst on your period, yuk!
Last cycle I managed to have our date on CD1, which is much better for me as it's my lightest day, but CD2+3, with endometriosis added in, it's just horrid!
Luckily it was OK, I was first there so had time to go to the loo (twice) for a clear out beforehand, then after undressing (lower half) I popped my knickers between my legs to catch anything I'd missed, then kept them in my hand whilst on the couch and slipped them back on whilst still led down (so gravity didn't get the better of me) - luckily there was nothing and I escaped the room without any messy puddles and dignity still intact!

It was a good scan!
Last cycle (November) I had 3 antral follicles, they became 5 follicles with stimming but the cycle ended with just 2 eggs (only one mature) and no transfer....
....this time I have 7 (yes, SEVEN)!  I am delighted!  Not only that, but they're all around 4-6mm too, I did a quick bit of reading ( and for CD2 these seem good sizes (the dr even gave me a print off with all the sizes - and I'm SURE there were a few smaller ones that he didn't count too).
I know for most people doing IVF, 7 follicles would be really disappointing, but as I've got low AMH and diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) then I'm really made up.  We also started with 7 on our successful cycle with our little IVF miracle.

Clinic phoned and I'm on max dose menopur again (450), I'm a little unsure about max dose again, it was a lower dose of 300 when it worked, however I have to remember that we're dealing with OAP eggs this time and clinic want this to work almost as much as we do - can we be a positive statistic again for them?

So my thoughts are, to stick with all the supplements I'm having - I will list them all and the dosage soon, to continue steering clear of caffeine/bread & butter, and of course.... NO alcohol!

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