Old Blog Import, TTC#3
Well, I had a few tears today, went to the chemist as I hadn't got an injection pen for my meds, so went to check with our neighbour, then she pointed out it says on our prescription that the nurse will come and do them EVERY day (we're not in the UK)! So, I got all teary as my family are coming to visit over new year and they don't know about us doing IVF, I can't exactly hide a nurse in my handbag like I can an injection pen, lol! I felt like a right spoilt brat getting upset, doh!
So phoned the hosp and they said I can do it myself, phew, so the nurse has given me a prescription for the pen, and I'm happy again - although....it blumming hurt, and the needle was bloody mahoosive (OK, only about 1 inch but MUCH bigger than the puregon pen needle I'm used to lol!), so now I'm thinking we should have the nurse come out daily, pmsl! Can't wait for the down regs to be over and to start stimming, cause I can manage those injections just fine!
Really glad I could start today, it's 6yrs today since fil passed away, so it's nice to think today is the start of adding another member to our family :)
Did it myself tonight, yay! Our neighbour (works at the chemist) ordered the needles/syringes for me and flippin heck are they mahoosive or what! She's given me two sizes, a small one to draw the fluid out of the little bottle and mix into the other bottle with powder, and a big needle to swap over for injecting....but I did it the other way round, as that what the nurse did, it all went in fine so pretty sure that's OK doing it that way.

Did it myself tonight, yay! Our neighbour (works at the chemist) ordered the needles/syringes for me and flippin heck are they mahoosive or what! She's given me two sizes, a small one to draw the fluid out of the little bottle and mix into the other bottle with powder, and a big needle to swap over for injecting....but I did it the other way round, as that what the nurse did, it all went in fine so pretty sure that's OK doing it that way.

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