Thursday, 26 October 2017

One week to go!

Today my stomach is in knots with nerves!  

In a week I have a baseline scan ready for fresh IVF cycle #5 (sibling cycle #1), then it's probable I'll start stimming just a week after that, so I'm looking at egg collection in 4 weeks (maybe 4+1) if stimming goes as usual.  
I feel like I'm not ready!  Like this has snuck up on us.... but it hasn't really as we've been planning since the end of August when we had our IVF consultation!
If it works then there will be 2 years between LO and the new baby, I'll be having an elective section due to 3 previous sections and a crap pelvis so this will be booked around 39 weeks, which if the cycle goes well and my dates are correct will be the day before LOs 2nd birthday. 
It feels so unfair on LO, I might miss her second birthday as I could be in hospital :(
How will she cope sharing me and sharing boobies?!
How will I cope with a newborn and a toddler?!  Our older girls had 2 years 9 months between them, so a more manageable gap on my part.
How am I going to cope with a fourth section?  The third was hard, will it be easier having an elective, or will recovery be slow cause it's my fourth?

Should we wait?  But I can't wait!  My AMH is in what I call in the OAP range!
....what about my prolactin levels - they're so high (678) that if I was in the UK I wouldn't be able to go my prolactin so high due to breastfeeding or is it down to the stress of mum - she was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma last month, had surgery to remove the tumor then had further surgery just this week to remove some lymph nodes as the cancer had been found in the sentinel node.
I've cut back a little on the breastfeeding, 8am until 2pm is 'anything but boobies' time, is this going to be enough to drop my prolactin and help the cycle?
The clinic had a meeting about us, they're going to put me on max dose due to OAP eggs and we're only allowed a single embryo transfer this time due to the previous three sections.  This worries me as with the exception of our third IVF cycle which was abysmal, we've always done a double transfer (so 3 doubles and one single) and yet only managed LO from all those embryos.  I understand the reason behind just transferring one, but in a panic this will be just another reason it's going to end in bfn....
I need to relax and let it all 'just be' ....but I'm struggling to keep a lid on it!

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