Tuesday, 21 November 2017

IVF#5 follicle tracking.

Stims started on CD1 (Tuesday 14th), I'm on 450 menopur.
CD5 follie scan = 5 follies, happy there's more than 3.  Started down regging to stop ovulation.
CD7 follie scan = 5, happy there's still 5 (the second follie scan last cycle most decided to hide!), but still gutted there's no more popped out from hiding - I had a dream there were going to be 13!
CD8 follie scan = 5, I have one more night of stims (tonight) then trigger tomorrow ready for egg collection on Friday, eeek!  Both worried and optimistic that I've only stimmed for 8 days.

I've been googling a lot to try and help with the PMA, watching some vids on YouTube has helped, there's one of the Hewitt centre in Liverpool (baby makers I think it is called) and their average number of eggs collected is 6, so I feel better about only having 5 follicles given my consultant has labelled me (or at least my eggs and hormone levels) with an OAP status lol!
Also, some doctors say that earlier collection is better with older eggs, I'll be CD11 on collection day so that has filled me with some positivity too, yay!

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