Monday, 19 March 2018


So, we're now PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise). 
The fertilisation was good, 5 eggs were mature, of them 4 fertilised with ICSI, one of those stopped on the first day, two of them have gone on from day two 3 cells and 5 cells, to day three 5 cells and 7 cells, and one of those went from day two 4 cells to day three 8 cells. 
There is a little fragmentation on the 8 cell, but not enough to stop transfer.
If I was allowed 2 embryos to be transferred then they would have also put the 7 cell back, but as I've had 3 c-sections then we have a single 8 cell embryo back where it should be.
Praying for a healthy sticky pregnancy/baby whilst trying to keep my feet on the ground and not expect too much.

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