Saturday, 17 March 2018

IVF6, the supplements.

After what feels like such a massive change from our November cycle when only 2 eggs were collected, to this cycle and 6 amazing eggs retrieved, I've promised many people the list of supplements I've been taking. 
I collected various tips from lots of people/places online and these are the things that I tried;

Vitamim D3 10ug, me x1 & him x1
Organic flaxseed oil, 1000mg, me x1 & him x1
Selenium 50ug, me x1 & him x1
Magnesium (266mg) with zinc (10mg), me & him
Complete vit B complex, him x1
B complex with vit C, me x1
*Choline Inositol (Choline bitartrate 250mg & Inositol 250mg), me x1-2
Gentle iron 20mg, me x1 & him x1
Folic Acid 400ug, me x6-8, him x4-6
CoQ10 30mg, me x6-8, him x4-6
**Ubiquinol 300mg, me x2, him x1

Not forgetting it's lent, so we're both off alcohol and pop/fizzy drinks, and I'm also off caffine, bread and butter (and bed by 10pm).  Also, I actually only started taking the above everyday from the start of lent - Valentines day, so just a little over 4 weeks by the time we got to EC.
*When looking into Choline & Inositol I read that you shouldn't have more than 600mg as it can in fact reduce quality - hence why hubby and I were on different B vitamins, cause his had inositol already, so I decided to opt for mine separately.
**I ran out of ubiquinol the day before EC, so from then onward I took 2 extra CoQ10.

Things I had on my list to take but didn't get round to ordering;
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Melatonin (this is a sleeping aid, and I co-sleep so decided against this, a walk in the morning is supposed to have the same benefit)
Alpha Lipoic Acid - this is one of the few things I found isn't compatible whilst breastfeeding, hence why I didn't buy any.
DHEA - also not compatible whilst breastfeeding.

I also bought 'it starts with the egg' and 'the IVF diet', but didn't get past a few pages with each as I'm just so busy!

In all fairness, I didn't have too much faith in the supplements making much difference, however it was the only real change we did on our 4th IVF which was a success, so it certainly wasn't going to do any harm trying ;)

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