Yesterday we had our consultation for IVF#6. I thought we might go over #5 to see if there are ways we can improve, but nope, our consultant is very much *the computer says no!* from Little Britain! Her voice has got a constant whining type tone, she'd make such a good dog trainer lol!!!!
I had quite a few questions to put to her; about my supplements - if there's anything I can add (without mentioning breastfeeding lol); if I should try testosterone (my levels are very low and I read testosterone priming can be good for low AMH/DOR); if I need to adjust my thyroid meds (already done it just wanted her confirmation); if we should try a lower dose of menopur like with LO/IVF#4; if I should do the oestrogen priming like with LO/IVF#4....but all the questions fell on deaf ears and the conveyor belt of *ummm noooo, we wont do that*,with the exception of upping my thyroid meds a little.
We talked about the egg retrieval and anaesthetic, I usually have a general but she thinks I should try a local, I'm worried about coping with the pain due to me adhesions, it's not possible knock me out if I change my mind....?! She tried to scare me a little and said there's always a risk with a general, that's really put me on edge now and I don't know what to do - if I choose a local and can't cope with any pain, if they wont knock me out it's another failed cycle....and what if they just crack on regardless of pain?
One change is I am going to be on a progesterone patch prior to the cycle, this made me giggle as I remember my mum having HRT after her hysterectomy, she used would wake up with them stuck to him instead hahaha!
There's about 6 weeks until the start of the cycle, I'm doing a prep type countdown and giving up all the crap - in a last attempt to drop a few kilos after being a pudding over Christmas!
Week (until cycle) 6 - no alcohol, walk 2km x5 & run 0.5km x3.
Week 5 - as W6 and no caffine, walk 3km x5 & run 1km x2.
Week 4 - as W5and no sugar, walk 3.5km x5 & run 1km x3.
Week 3 - as Wk4 and no gluten, walk 4km x5 & run 1.5km x2.
Week 2 - as W3 and no processed food, walk 5km x5 & run 1.5km x3.
Week 1 - as W2 and no added salt, walk 6km x5 & run 2km x2.
I'm adding in walking and running to being extra healthy as with poor blood circulation it's good to get things pumping.
My fitness watch arrived yesterday, perfect timing! It's got a HR function on it too, so going to keep an eye out if it can show ovulation (I got a blinding OPK on CD13 which is great as I was starting to worry about early menopause).
So the nerves of another cycle begin again, pulling up my PMA pants though, this has to be the one!