The decision was made to go ahead....I'm now CD21 and starting HRT patches toady, as usual I started the duphaston (progesterone) on CD16.
Being healthy is going well - always easier when it's lent as I'm always extra motivated to stick to it!
Collected all my 'drugs' from the chemist yesterday, I walked out with what was like a big green suitcase there was that much lol!
The only drama for today is that I'm not sure if I should have my HRT patch on by now or wait until this evening....hmm, why oh why don't I think of these questions before I need an immediate answer?
All being well I'll be having my baseline scan and bloods in 7-8 days, eeek!
Being healthy is going well - always easier when it's lent as I'm always extra motivated to stick to it!
Collected all my 'drugs' from the chemist yesterday, I walked out with what was like a big green suitcase there was that much lol!
The only drama for today is that I'm not sure if I should have my HRT patch on by now or wait until this evening....hmm, why oh why don't I think of these questions before I need an immediate answer?
All being well I'll be having my baseline scan and bloods in 7-8 days, eeek!