Wednesday, 21 February 2018

IVF a go-go!

The decision was made to go ahead....I'm now CD21 and starting HRT patches toady, as usual I started the duphaston (progesterone) on CD16.
Being healthy is going well - always easier when it's lent as I'm always extra motivated to stick to it!
Collected all my 'drugs' from the chemist yesterday, I walked out with what was like a big green suitcase there was that much lol!
The only drama for today is that I'm not sure if I should have my HRT patch on by now or wait until this evening....hmm, why oh why don't I think of these questions before I need an immediate answer?
All being well I'll be having my baseline scan and bloods in 7-8 days, eeek!

Thursday, 15 February 2018


Tomorrow is CD16, the day I should start duphaston if we decide to do IVF#6 as originally planned.... I'm not 100% sure if I have ovulated yet this cycle (and I'm not supposed to use progesterone before ovulation as it can mess up the cycle). 
As I had it in my head we were going to delay the IVF then we have bee ttc naturally, which also causes a dilemma as I need to look into the HRT patches and if they're safe when pregnant if by any chance we got lucky - cause I start them on CD22, waaaaay before I'd know if naturally it had worked. 
I was going to give another day or two before starting the duphaston, to be sure I've had chance to ovulate, and now I have to make a decision by morning (clinic phoned to remind me that I start tomorrow).  So, more of the *what am I doing?* ahhhhh!!!!

Monday, 12 February 2018


I'm really in a tizz at what to do....
My parents aren't going to be here for the entire month of March so we only have mil to turn to for baby sitting (toddler) and the school run (older girls).
We've got sooooo many things on in March, as well as doing the IVF, I don't know if we should delay?  If we do, hubby has holiday from work in April, but the delay would be 1 cycle (so 30/31 days at the mo) and his holiday week would need a delay of 40 days to get the timing right and IVF when he's off.
Not only that, but my parents rent their house out to a couple when they're away, so I'll be at their call if anything needs doing (chimney fire one of the last times they stayed).
If we delay until April, I may be doing cleaning and changeovers for my parents if they're back in the UK over summer, with my history of early loss it's not something I want to be doing in the first trimester.
Ahhhhh, what to do?  I guess people might say there's never a right time to have a baby, but when there's sooo much planning into making that baby it makes decisions difficult to make!
Plus I haven't been as healthy as I could, I've been sticking to my plan, buuuuut, at the weekends I do treat myself to a bottle of wine, or two!  Now lent is here I'm off alcohol, pop, caffine, bread and butter....that has to go in my favour, right?

Thursday, 1 February 2018


Thank goodness, af FINALLY arrived!
I started with a few scar twinges last night, not too painful - my scar pain can be pretty intense thanks to endometriosis, then noticed a little pink when in the shower last night, very happy to see full arrival this morning.
So today marks CD1 of post- IVF#6.  On day 22 (I think, need to check) I start wearing HRT patches, and as usual do my duphaston (progesterone) from day 16-25.  I'm not going to try and guess what day will be the next CD1 as after this past week I'm really not sure, lol!

Also had an MRI this morning on my left knee, so af arriving meant I could tick the *not preg* box instead of being unsure. 
I had a *horse accident* in September last year - one of my horses knocked me over, another jumped over me as I fell to the ground (missing me by a hair) and another one I think stood on my right leg). 
As our new dr hadn't arrived (old dr retired in May and replacement hadn't yet moved here) and I didn't have time to go to A&E, this is the first check I've had.  Wont get the results for a few days though (the nurse said trauma to the knee was clear lol).
These (photos) are 2 weeks after the accident, my right leg was very purple and still (yes still now 4.5m later, has a dent in it), but it was my left knee that took the force of landing on rocky ground.
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