Monday, 9 April 2018

Adding in extras!

CD6 and I need to get focused!  Our review is 4 weeks today....
After a naughty few days I'm weighing in at 86.4kg, giving me a BMI of 27.26.  I'd like to get down to 80kg (BMI 25.24) by our appointment in 4 weeks.
I'm adding in to my supplement mix;
Vitamin E - I'm not sure of dose yet, google says for infertility the dose should be higher than prenatal vits, however google also says it can increase bleeding, with endo I certainly don't want this!
Royal Jelly - I think I read to take between 1000-3000, but I need to double check.
Testosterone - this I'm going to ask my endocrinologist about, my blood test in December showed my testosterone was really very low (below menopause level), but I'm not sure how this effects other hormones (progesterone and estrogen) so I'd like the advice of my endocrinologist for reassurance.
More Ubiquinol (I'd run out at EC), it wont do any harm adding this in again, the only downside is the cost, any form of CoQ10 isn't cheap lol!
Clearblue dual hormone tests - these are for our natural cycles in between IVF, they not only test for the LH sure, but they test for the estrogen surge too, so give extra fertile days in comparison to regular home tests.
Fingers crossed all this helps towards a positive cycle....

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

4+5 marks the end of our December dream :(

My second beta was today.... result <2.
I'm bleeding too, finally.

Onward to our next cycle, I'm going to buy some clear-blue dual hormone tests, hubby hasn't batted an eye lid at the spending on pregnancy tests, so I'm pleased he's fine with me splashing out on what I consider 'luxury' tests!
They measure LH and oestrogen, so I might get slightly different peaks compared to the cheapy strip LH tests - I'm naturally oestrogen dominant (one of our many problems), so it's going to be interesting to compare....

For now I'm enjoying a final 'off' day and enjoying my first glass of wine (good stuff at €10 per bottle - I'm nicknamed 'madame promo' so this is a top class wine in my book!) in what seems like forever (since lent started lol), I've bought cake AND cream and we're having chips and mayo as a side dish with our tea.  Tomorrow begins the 'complete the dream' cycle.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

False Hope!

I'm so annoyed at the clinic today, they phoned hubby as they'd got the fax with my bhcg results (finally - they finished at midday on Saturday and with the bank holiday they're only just back in the office today), they told him that although the result is low, it is positive and that I have to repeat the test tomorrow.... as long as I'm not cramping or bleeding then we're still in with a chance!
I've had to talk him back down to earth and tell him I'm repeating the blood test tomorrow just to confirm that it's over (and not ectopic), it's not possible to have 6 days of lines on the home tests and then only have a level of 13 on the blood test.
I'm so angry that they've given him this false hope and I feel like an absolute cow having to break it to him yet again that we're having another loss!

Monday, 2 April 2018

Down, but not out!

I can't give up and I wont let this beat me! 
Getting the bank holiday over with today then back on it tomorrow. 
I WILL be getting 6kg off then my BMI will be within normal range, I'm upping my exercise and sticking to it this time, bad weather will NOT be an excuse!
I may even try a plant based food diet, I'm veggie anyway but this is a big craze at the moment and it seems a lot of people manage to improve their health and fertility by changing to this lifestyle....

Plans....I'm still to find out if I can have my CD3 blood test done immediately - straight after the IVF and MC, I'm struggling to find an answer to this one but will crack on with google tomorrow once the older kids are back at school and hubby at work. 
We're hoping we can go straight into a monitored cycle, but this depends on if I can get the blood test done (different clinic so I need to repeat bloods).... Af shouldn't be far away - I need 3 cycles before we can do IVF again on the 4th cycle, so hope to monitor this coming cycle and IUI in May and June, starting IVF#7 in July....I should be SUPER fit by then!

Sunday, 1 April 2018


I'm pretty amazed at just how quickly the tests have faded, but that's a good thing as I was worried a little about another ectopic - having had 2 already I'm at a greater risk (one rupture at 9+6 in 2004 and one heterotopic/double pregnancy in 2014 treated with double methotrexate after mc the baby in utero at 7w).
So here's todays tests;

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We're making plans already for what's next, I wasn't sure I could face any more treatment, but we're NOT giving up yet....